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Probation Violations

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Consequences of Violating Probation:


When a probationer is found guilty of violating a condition of probation, the sentencing court has several options:


  1. Continuing probation without punishment for the violation.

  2. Modifying the conditions of probation or extending the probation period.

  3. Revoking probation and sentencing the defendant for the underlying offense.

Probation Revocation:


Granting probation is a discretionary decision, and there is no inherent right to its continuation. If it becomes evident during probation that the probationer is likely to engage in criminal conduct again, the court may choose to revoke probation. In such cases, the court can sentence the probationer in the same manner and to the same penalty as if probation had never been granted.


Will Violating Probation Lead to Revoking a Deferred Sentence?

In most cases, violating probation will result in the revocation of a deferred sentence. It is rare for a judge to decide otherwise. When facing probation violations, your probation officer will provide a recommendation to the judge, and there will likely be a court appearance. Our office works with the probation officer and the judge to achieve the best possible outcome.

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